A Healthier, Happier You!

Continuous Support

Phase 3: 6 visits

(Second 6 months)

Meet once a month for up to 30 minutes

Insurance accepted but not required

Self Pay: $80 per visit

  • Continuous Coaching

    Throughout this journey, we’ve been meticulously tracking your progress, ensuring every step you take moves you closer to your goals. Our dedicated oversight helps reinforce your accountability and commitment to your wellness journey.

  • Celebrating Achievements

    Each victory, whether big or small, will been a cause for celebration. We will be there to navigate through any challenges, applying lessons learned to turn obstacles into stepping stones towards your success.

  • Collaborative Communication

    Maintaining open lines of communication through direct messaging and our app will ensure a well-rounded support system. These regular updates will be crucial in aligning your health goals with all aspects of your care.

  • Sustaining your Success

    As we approach the culmination of this program, we’re focusing on equipping you with a bespoke long-term maintenance plan. This plan is designed to integrate seamlessly into your lifestyle, empowering you to maintain your achievements and continue thriving beyond our program.