Your Journey To Hormone Harmony Begins Here

Virtual Hormone Replacement Therapy in Virginia

At Vida Telehealth, we create hormone replacement plans that are safe and supported by medical evidence. Whether you're a woman looking for menopause hormone replacement therapy (HRT), a man in need of low testosterone hormone replacement, or someone going through their journey of transition seeking gender-affirming hormone therapy; our tailored approach is here to help.


  • Menopause is a natural part of a woman's life that signifies the conclusion of her reproductive years. Before menopause, there's a stage called perimenopause, which usually happens in the late 40s or early 50s. During perimenopause, the ovaries slowly make fewer hormones. Menopause is confirmed when a woman goes 12 months in a row without having her period, usually around age 51.

    * Common symptoms include:

    * Hot flashes

    * Night sweats

    * Hair thinning

    * Vaginal dryness that can lead to pain with sex

    * Sleep disturbances

    * Brain fog

    * Changes in sexual drive or desire for sexual activity

    As a natural part of aging, menopause affects individuals differently. At Vida Telehealth, we provide tailored support and personalized management strategies to help navigate this life transition.

  • Yes, the hormones we prescribe are bioidentical, which means they have the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the human body. We choose from a range of FDA-approved preparations that are “bioidentical” including pills, patches, injections, creams/gels and topical vaginal formulations.

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for men involves the administration of testosterone to address deficiencies or imbalances in your testosterone levels.

    Testosterone plays a crucial role in maintaining various bodily functions, including:

    * Muscle mass

    * Bone density

    * Energy levels

    * Libido sexual drive or desire for sexual activity

    Symptoms of low testosterone levels:

    * Fatigue

    * Decreased libido (sexual drive or desire for sexual activity)

    * Decreased morning erections or difficulty sustaining an erection

    * Mood changes

    * Reduced muscle strength

    * Increased fat mass

    This treatment focuses on making sure the levels of testosterone in the body are just right, easing symptoms and making the person feel better overall. The choice to start this hormone replacement therapy with testosterone is made by carefully looking at the person's health, performing all necessary evaluations for accurate diagnosis and considering possible risks of treatment.

  • Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy (GAHT) helps people align how they look with how they feel and see themselves on the inside. It's a tool that supports them during their journey of transitioning to become more aligned with their gender identity. For those becoming more masculine, testosterone can make their voice deeper and increase body hair. For those becoming more feminine, estrogen and anti-androgens help with things like softer skin and breast development.

    GAHT helps people feel better and happier by making their physical appearance more closely align to how they feel inside to support their gender transition.

  • No, I don’t but if you would like resources for further information, I can help.

We embrace and respect the diversity of our patients, recognizing that gender identity is unique to each person. We are here to support you on your journey to self-discovery and self-expression, fostering an environment that is affirming, respectful, and free from discrimination. We strive to meet the healthcare needs of all individuals, irrespective of gender identity, and to create a safe space where everyone can access the care they deserve with dignity and understanding.

Discover the positive changes hormone therapy can bring in a supportive and nonjudgmental space!