A Healthier, Happier You!

Training a Mindset

Phase 2: 6 visits

(Second 12 Weeks)

Meet every two weeks for up to 45 minutes.

Insurance accepted but not required

Self Pay: $100 per visit

  • Lifestyle Planning

    Establish effective, realistic, and achievable plans tailored to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our approach ensures that each plan respects your unique life circumstances and goals, setting you up for long-term success.

  • Support & Accountability

    Experience unwavering support through every step of the journey. We celebrate your victories, big and small, and provide the encouragement needed during challenging times. With remote patient monitoring and personalized support, we keep you accountable and motivated.

  • Progress and Monitoring

    Your progress is our priority. Through continuous tracking and regular updates, we ensure you’re always moving forward. This ongoing feedback loop helps adjust strategies as needed to meet your evolving needs.

  • Long-Term Success

    We’ll develop a long-term maintenance plan specifically designed for you. This plan is your roadmap to staying on track for life, equipped with strategies and insights gained throughout your journey.