A Healthier, Happier You!

Weight Loss Journey

Phase 1: 6 visits

(First 12 Weeks)

Meet every two weeks for up to 1 hour.

Insurance accepted but not required

Self Pay: $150 per visit

  • Getting to Know You

    Complete medical intake, review your weight journey, and pinpoint your unique weight goals.

    This foundational meeting is crucial for tailoring the program to your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and effective approach to wellness.

  • Body Composition Monitoring

    This is a medical-grade body composition scale mailed to your house included in our program.

    Allows us to monitor more than weight and BMI. It measures weight, lean mass (muscles), body fat, water weight, and basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest). Your journey is followed through our joint digital app.

  • Comprehensive Care

    Labs: Often lab work is required, we will send you and your preferred lab a digital order form. Results will be reviewed with you and treatment options discussed based on results.

    Prescriptions: Discuss prescriptions for weight loss If Indicated and desired. If a prescription Is prescribed, It will be send to your preferred pharmacy.

    Holistic Evals: Sleep, stress, mental health, eating patters, triggers for eating and weight changes.

    Accessibility: Direct access to Adrian for support and questions.

    Goal Setting Nutrition plans that fit you and your needs and activity targets that align with YOUR interests. No fad diets, changes for life!

  • Supportive Solutions

    Meals replacements, education, prescriptions, remote monitoring. It’s not just weight loss, it’s a journey to improved overall wellness!